Modal (25 min)
Completion requirements
01 Getting Started
This tutorial focuses on Native Modals. There are two kinds of modals:
- Native Modals
- Custom Modals
02 How to Add a Modal?
1. Search for a modal in the element list and drag it into your web project.
![Screenshot showing how to add a modal element to the project](
2. Alternatively, you can add a modal from the Pages tab in the Menu. Click the Manage Menus Gear icon and navigate to the Modal option.
3. Click on the Add Modal button to add a modal to your project.
![Screenshot showing how to navigate to the Site Menus page](
![Screenshot showing how to add a modal element to the project](
2. Alternatively, you can add a modal from the Pages tab in the Menu. Click the Manage Menus Gear icon and navigate to the Modal option.
3. Click on the Add Modal button to add a modal to your project.
![Screenshot showing how to navigate to the Site Menus page](
03 Modal Visibility
1. Ensure that your Layer List is active so that you can easily hide/show your modals whilst working on your web projects with the eye icon.
![Screenshot of the layer list displaying how to show and hide a modal](
![Screenshot of the layer list displaying how to show and hide a modal](
04 Rename a Modal
It is important to rename your modal as this is useful when it comes to mapping.
1. In the layer list, right-click on the modal you want to rename. The sub-menu displays.
2. Select rename. The Tag Name window opens.
![Screenshot of Layer List showing how to rename a modal](
3. Type in your modal name and click the check icon.
![Screenshot of Tag name window](
1. In the layer list, right-click on the modal you want to rename. The sub-menu displays.
2. Select rename. The Tag Name window opens.
![Screenshot of Layer List showing how to rename a modal](
3. Type in your modal name and click the check icon.
![Screenshot of Tag name window](
05 Modal Settings Menu
You can choose a title, or change the position and layout for a modal’s content under Modal Settings.
![Screenshot of the Modal Settings menu showing the Content tab](
For modal interactivity, you can uncheck the default "hide on load" action and choose to show or hide the title and close icon.
![Screenshot of the Modal Settings menu showing the Interactivity tab](
For the modal metadata, you can give your modal a unique identifier using the tag field. This is useful when it comes to mapping your modals.
![Screenshot of the Modal Settings menu showing the Metadata tab](
![Screenshot of the Modal Settings menu showing the Content tab](
For modal interactivity, you can uncheck the default "hide on load" action and choose to show or hide the title and close icon.
- The Hide Onload checkbox ensures that your modal is hidden when you load a project unless it is called by a button.
- Selecting the Show Title checkbox will ensure the title of your modal is visible.
- Use the Configure OnClose Action button to set up an action that runs whenever the modal is closed.
- Use the Configure OnOpen Action button to set up an action that runs whenever the modal is triggered.
![Screenshot of the Modal Settings menu showing the Interactivity tab](
For the modal metadata, you can give your modal a unique identifier using the tag field. This is useful when it comes to mapping your modals.
![Screenshot of the Modal Settings menu showing the Metadata tab](
06 Styling your Modal
You can control every aspect of styling for modals with Titan through the Modal Styling panel.
![Screenshot of the Modal stying menu](
You can also place multiple elements into a modal. The below modal has text, textarea, and email fields with a button.
![Screenshot of the Modal with elements added](
![Screenshot of the Modal stying menu](
You can also place multiple elements into a modal. The below modal has text, textarea, and email fields with a button.
![Screenshot of the Modal with elements added](
07 Creating a Push from your Modal
This modal will be used to create a new contact in Salesforce. A button was inserted into the modal so the push could be invoked from it.
You can configure any Salesforce action to run for your Modal.
1. Click on the button and select the link icon to create an On Click Action. The On Click action screen opens.
![Screenshot of the button menu](
2. Click the Start + icon. The Add Node screen opens.
![Screenshot of On Click Action window showing the plus icon next to the start](
3. Choose the Salesforce Action option and click Next.
![Screenshot of Add Node window with Salesforce action node selected](
4. Click on the Salesforce Integration button to create a new Salesforce push.
![Screenshot of Add Node Salesforce Action window](
5. Click on the Push tab and click Create New.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Integration window displaying the Push tab](
6. In the Object Settings tab, use the drop-downs to configure the object in Salesforce. For example, this modal will create a new contact in Salesforce.
![Screenshot of the Map Salesforce Fields window showing the Object Settings tab](
7. Click on the mapping tab. Use the drop-downs to map Salesforce fields to the modal elements. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the Map Salesforce Fields window showing the Mapping tab](
8. Click Close to navigate back to the Integration Action Screen.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Integration window](
9. Use the Process Push or Get dropdown to select the created Salesforce push.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Salesforce Action window showing the selected Salesforce action](
10. Create a tag for the action and click Insert.
11. Review your node in the On Click Action window and click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
You can configure any Salesforce action to run for your Modal.
1. Click on the button and select the link icon to create an On Click Action. The On Click action screen opens.
![Screenshot of the button menu](
2. Click the Start + icon. The Add Node screen opens.
![Screenshot of On Click Action window showing the plus icon next to the start](
3. Choose the Salesforce Action option and click Next.
![Screenshot of Add Node window with Salesforce action node selected](
4. Click on the Salesforce Integration button to create a new Salesforce push.
![Screenshot of Add Node Salesforce Action window](
5. Click on the Push tab and click Create New.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Integration window displaying the Push tab](
6. In the Object Settings tab, use the drop-downs to configure the object in Salesforce. For example, this modal will create a new contact in Salesforce.
![Screenshot of the Map Salesforce Fields window showing the Object Settings tab](
7. Click on the mapping tab. Use the drop-downs to map Salesforce fields to the modal elements. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the Map Salesforce Fields window showing the Mapping tab](
8. Click Close to navigate back to the Integration Action Screen.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Integration window](
9. Use the Process Push or Get dropdown to select the created Salesforce push.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Salesforce Action window showing the selected Salesforce action](
10. Create a tag for the action and click Insert.
11. Review your node in the On Click Action window and click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
08 What are Hover Modals?
You can insert hover modals that display to users when they hover over a field.
1. Navigate to your element settings and click the Interactivity tab.
2. Enable the Hover Modal function and click the gear icon. The Configure Hover Settings window opens.
![Screenshot of the Text Settings menu displaying the Interactivity tab showing the Hover modal feature](
3. Use the dropdown to select which modal to display.
4. Use the OnModal Show and OnModal Hide options to create an action flow.
5. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of configure hover settings window](
1. Navigate to your element settings and click the Interactivity tab.
2. Enable the Hover Modal function and click the gear icon. The Configure Hover Settings window opens.
![Screenshot of the Text Settings menu displaying the Interactivity tab showing the Hover modal feature](
3. Use the dropdown to select which modal to display.
4. Use the OnModal Show and OnModal Hide options to create an action flow.
5. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of configure hover settings window](
09 To Show your Modal
1. Add an On Click Action to a button of your choice by selecting the Drawer/Modal interactivity.
![Screenshot of Add Node window showing Drawer/Modal node highlighted](
2. Click on the Modal tab And ensure that the Enable toggle switch is on.
3. Select your modal and choose the Show radio button.
![Screenshot of Add Node Drawer Modal window showing how to configure modal to show](
Save and preview your project. When you click your button, the modal is displayed.
![Screenshot showing how the modal opens when a button is clicked](
![Screenshot of Add Node window showing Drawer/Modal node highlighted](
2. Click on the Modal tab And ensure that the Enable toggle switch is on.
3. Select your modal and choose the Show radio button.
![Screenshot of Add Node Drawer Modal window showing how to configure modal to show](
Save and preview your project. When you click your button, the modal is displayed.
![Screenshot showing how the modal opens when a button is clicked](
10 To Hide your Modal
1. Navigate to the On Click Action created for the modal button.
2. Click the After Finish + icon.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
3. Click the Drawer/Modal option.
![Screenshot of the Add Node window with drawer/modal option highlighted](
4. Click the Modal tab, and ensure the Enable toggle switch is on.
5. Use the drop-down to select the modal and click the Hide radio button. Click Next.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Drawer Modal window showing how to configure the modal to hide](
6. Add a tag and click insert.
7. The node is added to the On Click Action window. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
Save and preview your project. Once you click on the modal button, the modal closes.
![Screenshot showing how to close a modal](
If you click on the modal project button again, the modal data is saved and you will not have to fill in the details again. To clear the data after the user submits their contact details, add a new On Click Action using the same steps above. When configuring the action for the modal, select Reset State.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Drawer Modal window displaying the reset state config](
2. Click the After Finish + icon.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
3. Click the Drawer/Modal option.
![Screenshot of the Add Node window with drawer/modal option highlighted](
4. Click the Modal tab, and ensure the Enable toggle switch is on.
5. Use the drop-down to select the modal and click the Hide radio button. Click Next.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Drawer Modal window showing how to configure the modal to hide](
6. Add a tag and click insert.
7. The node is added to the On Click Action window. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
Save and preview your project. Once you click on the modal button, the modal closes.
![Screenshot showing how to close a modal](
If you click on the modal project button again, the modal data is saved and you will not have to fill in the details again. To clear the data after the user submits their contact details, add a new On Click Action using the same steps above. When configuring the action for the modal, select Reset State.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Drawer Modal window displaying the reset state config](
11 Using Modals with Power Table
- Insert and Configure a Power Table
- Link the Modal to Table Interactivity
12 Insert and Configure a Power Table
1. Add a power table to your project. The Salesforce Configuration window opens.
2. Select the source in Salesforce—for example, Contact. Click Next.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Select Source step](
3. Configure Conditions for your power table. For this example, no conditions were required. Click Next.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Conditions step](
4. Configure the Power table mapping. For this example, we are adding field mapping and adding an icon. The Icon will be used to configure the modal. Click the Configure on Click Action Icon. The On Click Action screen opens.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Mapping step](
5. Click the Start + icon. The Add Node screen opens.
6. Select Drawer/Modal and click Next.
7. Configure the Modal to show and click Next.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Drawer Modal configuration window](
8. Add a tag and click Insert.
The node is added to the On Click Action Screen.
9. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
10. Once your Mapping Configuration is complete click Apply. The configured table displays in your project.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Mapping step](
11. Navigate to the Power Table element settings menu and click the Salesforce tab. Click the Gear Icon next to the Get. The Map Salesforce Fields screen opens.
![Screenshot of the Power Table Settings menu showing the Salesforce tab](
12. Click the Sort Order Tab. Use the drop downs to configure how the fields must display, for example by the Created Date. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the Map Salesforce Fields window showing the Sort Order tab](
2. Select the source in Salesforce—for example, Contact. Click Next.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Select Source step](
3. Configure Conditions for your power table. For this example, no conditions were required. Click Next.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Conditions step](
4. Configure the Power table mapping. For this example, we are adding field mapping and adding an icon. The Icon will be used to configure the modal. Click the Configure on Click Action Icon. The On Click Action screen opens.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Mapping step](
5. Click the Start + icon. The Add Node screen opens.
6. Select Drawer/Modal and click Next.
7. Configure the Modal to show and click Next.
![Screenshot of the Add Node Drawer Modal configuration window](
8. Add a tag and click Insert.
The node is added to the On Click Action Screen.
9. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
10. Once your Mapping Configuration is complete click Apply. The configured table displays in your project.
![Screenshot of the Salesforce Configuration window showing the Mapping step](
11. Navigate to the Power Table element settings menu and click the Salesforce tab. Click the Gear Icon next to the Get. The Map Salesforce Fields screen opens.
![Screenshot of the Power Table Settings menu showing the Salesforce tab](
12. Click the Sort Order Tab. Use the drop downs to configure how the fields must display, for example by the Created Date. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the Map Salesforce Fields window showing the Sort Order tab](
13 Link the Modal to Table Interactivity
The modal refreshes the table when the button is clicked. Navigate to the modal button On Click Action screen.
1. Click the On Finish + icon.
2. Select Table Interactivity and click Next.
![Screenshot of the Add Node window with table interactivity node highlighted](
3. Use the drop downs to choose the Action and Table Element. Click Next.
![Screenshot of add node table interactivity window showing how to configure table interactivity actions](
4. Add a tag and click Insert.
5. Use your cursor to connect the nodes. Note that the nodes will run in the order they are connected. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
Save and preview the project. Click on the button to display the modal. When you complete the fields in the modal and click the button, the contact will be created and added to your power table.
![Screenshot of example project showing how a new contact is created](
If you click on the button again, the modal fields will be empty due to the reset state configuration.
![Screenshot showing the reset state of the modal](
1. Click the On Finish + icon.
2. Select Table Interactivity and click Next.
![Screenshot of the Add Node window with table interactivity node highlighted](
3. Use the drop downs to choose the Action and Table Element. Click Next.
![Screenshot of add node table interactivity window showing how to configure table interactivity actions](
4. Add a tag and click Insert.
5. Use your cursor to connect the nodes. Note that the nodes will run in the order they are connected. Click Apply.
![Screenshot of the On Click Action window](
Save and preview the project. Click on the button to display the modal. When you complete the fields in the modal and click the button, the contact will be created and added to your power table.
![Screenshot of example project showing how a new contact is created](
If you click on the button again, the modal fields will be empty due to the reset state configuration.
![Screenshot showing the reset state of the modal](
14 Using the Same Modal on Different Elements and Pages
You can choose to use the same modal for multiple elements. By affecting different elements inside the modal you can show and hide specific elements of it.
Select the Affected Elements option when adding the node for the other element.
![Screenshot of add node window showing affected element option highlighted](
You can choose which elements to show or hide.
![Screenshot of add node affected element screen showing configuration](
Depending on the button pushed the modal will display differently.
![Screenshot showing differences between a full or partial modal](
Select the Affected Elements option when adding the node for the other element.
![Screenshot of add node window showing affected element option highlighted](
You can choose which elements to show or hide.
![Screenshot of add node affected element screen showing configuration](
Depending on the button pushed the modal will display differently.
![Screenshot showing differences between a full or partial modal](