01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers logic and interactivity for the form element.

02 Hiding a Form Element

One of the main benefits of using a form is its resizing capabilities. A shape was inserted into the form and a button with the label Hide was added. Follow the steps to configure that when a user clicks on the button, the shape will hide.

1. Click on the button to display the button menu and select the link icon. The On Click Action screen opens.

Screenshot of button menu with interactivity icon highlighted

2. Click on the + icon next to Start.

Screenshot of On Click Action window

3. Select the Affected Elements option and click next.

Screenshot of Add Node window with Affected Elements node highlighted

4. Select the Element you want to add an action to. For example, the Shape element.

5. Choose the action for the element and click apply. For example, the shape must hide. Click Next.

Screenshot of Add Node Affected Elements configuration

6. Add a tag for the node and click Insert.

The node is added to the screen.

7. Click Apply.

Screenshot of On Click Action window

8. Save and Preview the project.

When a user clicks on the hide shape button, the shape will be removed from the form.

Screenshot of hide shape button

The form will automatically adjust to remove the content instead of leaving a blank space.

Screenshot of form auto resize option

03 Hiding a Form Row

You can hide an entire form row depending on the input a user provides. For example, the row below must be hidden if a user is a US citizen.

Screenshot of the form example
The form rows have been renamed to assist when creating conditions. The steps to rename rows were covered in the previous lesson.

1. Click on the Element gear icon. The Element Settings window opens.

2. Select the Conditions tab and click the Configure Conditions button. The Set Conditions screen opens.

Screenshot of the Radio Settings menu showing the conditions tab

3. Click on the condition. The Set Conditions screen opens.

Screenshot of set conditions screen

4. Create two rules, one if the answer is yes and one if the answer is no. Click Next.

Screenshot of edit nodes screen showing how to configure two conditions

5. Add a tag for the condition and click Save.

To configure the action if the answer is yes:

1. Click the + icon next to the Value Equals Yes condition.

Screenshot of Rule 1 window

2. Choose Affected Elements and click Next.

Screenshot of Add Node window with affected element node highlighted

3. Select the row from the list of elements. By renaming your rows, finding the correct row is easy.

4. Choose an action to apply to the row, for example, Hide, and click Apply. Click Next.

Screenshot of Add Node Affected Elements configuration

5. Type in a tag and click Insert.

Repeat the same steps for the Value Equals No condition but set the action to show.

Screenshot of add node affected elements configuration

The Set Conditions screen should now have two affected element nodes; one to show the row and one to hide the row.

6. Click Apply.

Screenshot of the Set Conditions window

7. Save and Preview the project.

If a user indicates that they are not a US citizen, the entire form is displayed.

Screenshot of the entire example form displayed
If the user clicks yes, the below row is hidden and the form is resized.
form resize option

04 Replacing One Element with Another

Depending on the previous answer provided, you can set logic to display a different element. Two elements have been inserted into the same cell, this should not be done unless you are going to create conditional logic to display one element or another depending on the previous data provided.

Screenshot of the form example

A condition has been configured on the nationality element to display a specific element depending on what option the user selects. If the user is a US citizen, the driver’s license field will display. If the user is not a US citizen, the passport field will display.

Screenshot of the rule 1 condition window

Let’s review how this displays to the user.

If the user chooses a nationality other than the US, the passport number field displays.

Screenshot of the form example

If the user selects the US option, the driver's license field displays.

Screenshot of the form example with US nationality selected

05 Form Interactivity

1. Navigate to the Form settings window and click the Interactivity tab.

You can choose to:
  • Hide your form when the page is loading.
  • Disable the parent resize function so that when the form is moved on the canvas, the strip does not automatically resize.
  • Add page breaks.
  • Include a submit button.
  • Ignore validations.
  • Include a reset button that will reset all the field values on the form.
  • Add success and error messages.
  • Enable the partial render option which can improve user experience by only rendering part of a very long form.

Screenshot of form interactivity settings

06 Adding a Page Break

1. Enable the Page break function to include page breaks for your form. This is useful if your form consists of multiple rows.

2. Click the gear icon to configure the form page break settings.

Screenshot form settings menu showing interactivity tab

You can configure:
  • Break every: This is how many rows are displayed per form page.
  • Previous Button Label: Add your label for the previous button. You can choose to hide this button.
  • Next Button Label: Add your label for the next button. You can choose to hide this button.
  • Ignore Validations: This means the user can submit the content even if the input isn’t valid.
Screenshot of configure form page break settings

07 Including a Submit Button

1. Enable the submit button function.

2. Change the button text by typing in the button text field.

3. Click the Configure Submit action to configure an action flow.

Screenshot form settings menu showing interactivity tab

You can also choose to insert a button manually and add the configuration. There are more styling options included when using a custom button.

08 Affecting Elements Inside the Form

You can affect elements inside of a form by inserting an interactive element outside of the form. For example, a button.

1. Insert a button outside of your form element and click the link icon.

Screenshot of the button menu with the interactivity icon highlighted

2. Click the Start + icon. The Add Node screen opens.

3. Select the Form Interactivity option and click Next.

Screenshot of Add Node window with Form Interactivity node selected

4. Choose the form interactivity options. Click Next.
  • Reset
  • Submit
  • Next Page
  • Prev Page
  • Go to Page
  • Validate Fields
  • Is Changed
  • Reset Changed State Flag
  • Disabled Enable 
  • Set as Mandatory - This was selected for our example.
  • Set as not mandatory
  • Read Only Form
  • Editable Form
Screenshot of Add Node Form Interactivity configuration showing how to make a form mandatory

5. Add a tag and click Insert.

The node is added to the on-click action screen.

6. Click Apply.

Screenshot of on click action window

You can follow the same steps for a variety of form interactivity options. Including a validate function, disabling all fields, making fields read-only, and resetting all field values.

Screenshot of button options on a form

When the user clicks on each button, the form will be affected. For example, clicking the mandatory button will automatically make each field mandatory.

Screenshot of how a mandatory form displays

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