01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers the structure and layout of the form element.

02 Insert a Form Element

1. Click the + icon and select the Form tab. Drag and drop the form element onto the canvas. The Insert Form window pops up.

Screenshot of element menu showing how to insert a form element

2. Use the fields to configure the number of columns, rows, and spacing between rows. You also have the option to use these settings as the default configuration for your form element.

Screenshot of Insert form window

03 Adding Rows and Columns to Forms

You can also edit the form directly from the canvas to change the columns and rows.

1. To add a column to your inserted form, click on the + icon at the top. To add a row to the bottom of the form, click the + icon at the bottom of the form.

Screenshot showing how to add rows and columns to a form

2. To add a row in the middle of the form, hover over a row (while the form is selected) and click on the displayed kebab menu. You can choose to add rows before or after content from the sub-menu.

Screenshot showing the expanded form row kebab menu

You can also delete rows, this deletes all content in the row.

04 Merge Columns

You can choose to merge all content in a row.

1. Hover over the row you want to merge (while the form is selected) and click on the displayed kebab menu.

2. Select the merge option from the submenu and choose your merge option.

Screenshot of row kebab menu displaying merge row options

To merge all cells in that row into one cell, select Merge All. All cells from that row will be merged.

Screenshot shows merged cells in a form element

To customize your cells, select the Custom Merge option. The Merge Form Cells window opens. Use this window to group your cells. Click Apply.

Screenshot of Merge Form Cells window

Custom merging is applied to your form.

Screenshot displaying custom merge fields

To undo merging. Select Split from the Merge sub-menu.

Screenshot showing expanded kebab menu for form to split merged cells

05 Align and Space Elements

Aligning elements within Cells

1. Select the element and select the alignment icon.

2. Choose how the button should be aligned from the options listed; left, right, or centered.

Screenshot of button menu showing the alignment options

Note: you cannot drag the element to the new position. You must use the alignment options.

Adding Spacing

Without adding row spacing, elements inserted into a form can appear cramped.

Screenshot showing how no row spacing displays

Add some padding between these elements to better space them out.

1. Click the Project drop-down, select Style, and click Configure from the sub-menu. The customize styles window opens.

2. Click the Spacing drop-down and insert row spacing. The spacing is automatically applied to the form element.

Screenshot of Customize Styles menu showing how to add row spacing

06 Name Rows

You can name each row of your form. This is important when writing conditions as it can help you easily track which row the condition is being applied to.

1. To rename a row, hover over the row and click on the displayed kebab menu. Select the rename option. The Rename Row window opens.

Screenshot of the expanded form row kebab menu

2. Type in the new row name and click the check icon.

Screenshot of Rename Row Name window

The row names will be reflected in the project layer list.

Screenshot of the Layer List displaying the row names

07 How the Form Displays on Different Devices

Devices with smaller screen real estate such as mobile devices sometimes don’t support multiple columns.

1. Click the device drop-down and select the Mobile (S) option to preview how the form will display on smaller device screens.

Screenshot of the expanded device drop-down

The multiple columns and rows of the form have been formatted into a single column.

Screenshot of the updated form format
To display elements horizontally, you can use an autofit container. This will be covered in a later lesson.

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