This lesson will cover the following topics:

01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers each table available on Titan Web. 

02 Differences between Tables

There are three different tables in Titan Web:
  • List View
  • Table View
  • Power Table
Tables    Read Salesforce Data       On-Click Actions       Column Types       Editing        Filtering       Card Mode (Mobile)        Sub-Component   
Power Table 
Table View 
List View 

03 Adding a Table

1. Click the + icon and select the Table tab. Drag and drop the table element onto the canvas. The Insert Form window pops up.
insert table element

04 List View Table

When you insert a List View table onto your project, the List Configuration screen pops up.
list configuration pop up
1. Use the Source in Salesforce drop-down to select which object data will populate your table. For example, a contact. You can choose a Salesforce object or a report. Click Next.
select source for list table
2. Use the drop-downs in the Conditions step to configure the specific data to pull. This will be linked to your previous selection. For example, creating conditions to determine which contacts to display in the table. Click Next.
select source for list table
3. Use the mapping drop-downs to map a Salesforce source to a table column. Click Apply. 
mapping for list table
The table is inserted into your project.
4. Click on the table gear icon to display the List Settings.
list table element settings
Under the Content tab, you can:
  • Edit the mapping for your table. 
  • Add a table title. 
  • Add a table description
content tab for list table
Under the Interactivity tab, you can:
  • Hide Onload so the table does not display when the web page is loaded.
  • Allow users to make selections.
  • Allow users to make a single selection only.
  • Hide the head row.
  • Enable the auto-grow function
interactivity tab for list table

05 Table View Table

To insert a Table View Table follow the same steps as the List View Table. The difference occurs in the Mapping step. You can add actions to the table. You can add actions to columns using the kebab menu or add action buttons and icons.
table view mapping step
Navigate to the table settings and click the Interactivity tab. You can:
  • Hide Onload so the table does not display when the web page is loaded.
  • Allow users to make selections.
  • Allow users to make a single selection only.
  • Show index to users.
  • Allow pagination.
  • Allow users to search in the table search.
  • Allow grouping.
  • Allow filtering.
  • Allow sorting. 
  • Enable the summary row function.
table view interactivity tab

06 Power Table

To insert a Power Table follow the same steps as the List View Table. The main differences are:
  • Select source: You have the option to use an Apex in Salesforce.
power table select source
  • Mapping: You can add fields from the Salesforce record. You can also choose the type of field to insert into your table. Using the kebab menu you can insert actions, include a subheader, allow editing, configure sub-components, and tooltip mapping.
power table mapping
Navigate to the table settings and click the Interactivity tab. There are options not available for the other tables:

  • Hiding the table tooltip.
  • Using card mode.
  • Allow freeze header.
  • Allow quick update.
  • Allow Global Filter.
  • Allow the user to resize.
  • Updating icons.
power table interactivity tab

07 The Takeaway

Power tables are the best option to use due to the powerful capabilities it offers. The other tables can be used if your product requires a fast loading time.

08 Got Feedback?

Additional Resources