01 Getting Started

In this lesson, you will learn how to run actions on power tables. We will look at various actions on a column, icon, or button in the power table. We will explain how to update a record in Salesforce and how to use a modal to show more details on a record than the power table.

02 Configure and Trigger Actions

In this example, we created a power table with the opportunity object in Salesforce as the source. We added the following columns:
  • Name
  • Amount
  • Stage

03 Add an Action in a Column

We configured an action on the Name column.
1. Select the power table and click the Gear icon to open the Settings screen.
2. Click the Edit Mapping button.
power table settings
3. Click the Kebab icon next to the Name column.
4. Use the toggle switch to enable the Include an Action option. The action will run when you click on the text in the column, or you can add an icon next to each name.
5. Click the Click on Icon checkbox to add an icon to the column.
include an action
6. Click the Edit icon and select an icon from the Select Icon screen.
7. Click the Apply button.
choosing an icon
8. Click the Include an Action Gear icon.
include action gear icon
9. Click the + icon next to the Start node.
10. Under Layout Actions, click the Show Toast and click the Next button.
show toast
11. Use the Add element drop-down list and click the PowerTable/Name option.
element drop-down on configure toast screen
configured toast
12. Click the Next button and add a tag if necessary.
13. Click the Insert button. The Show Toast node is added.
14. Click the Apply button on the On Click Action screen.
15. Click the Apply button on the Salesforce Configuration screen.
16. Save and Preview the project.
When the icon is clicked, the name of the opportunity name is shown at the top left of the page.
toast displayed on example screen
We deactivated this On Click Action for the rest of the lesson.

04 Add an Action to an Icon

You can add an action in a column by adding an icon.
1. On the Salesforce Configuration screen, add a column if necessary.
2. Select the Icon option from the drop-down list.
3. Select the Edit icon to add an icon. The Select Icon screen opens.
mapping an action to an icon
4. Select an icon and click the Apply button.
select an icon
5. Add a header name in the field and click the Configure On Click Action button.
mapping configuration
Here you follow the same procedure for an on-click action as described above. We will give a further explanation again later on.

05 Add an Action on a Button

You can add an action in a column by adding a button.
1. On the Salesforce Configuration screen, add a column if necessary.
2. Select the Button option from the drop-down list.
3. Add a header name in the field and click the Configure On Click Action button.
mapping configuration
4. Here you follow the same procedure for an on-click action as described above. We will give a further explanation again later on.
icon action column
Unlike the Icon column, the Button column doesn’t have a header. The name of the button is added to the button in the column.

06 Style the Button

You can style the button to create a personal look and feel. 
1. Select the power table and click the styling icon.
2. Click the Button option and click the Border option.
3. Drag the radius slider to add a border to the button.
power table styling
4. Click the Fill option.
5. Use the color palette to select a color.
select a color
6. Click the Padding option.
7. Type values in the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right fields.
power table styling

07 Run Different Actions

Titan can recognize which row is clicked and what the values of that row are.

08 Update the Opportunities in Salesforce

We will show how to set an action that will update the opportunity in Salesforce when the button is clicked.
1. Select the power table and click the Gear icon.
2. Click the Edit Mapping button.
edit mapping button
3. Click the Configure On Click Action button next to the Button.
mapping screen > configure on click action
4. Click the + icon next to the Start node and click the Salesforce Action option.
5. Click the Next button.
salesforce action node
6. Click the Salesforce Integration button.
integration action screen
7. Click the Push option and click the Create New button.
push > create new
8. Use the drop-down list to select the Object in Salesforce. We selected the Opportunity in this example.
9. Use the drop-down list to select the Action, for instance, Update.
map salesforce fields > object settings
10. Configure the condition:
  • OpportunityID Equal Fields PowerTable/Value
    • This will update the specific opportunity where the ID equals the value in the selected row in the power table.
map salesforce fields > object settings
Note: The value (opportunity ID) that was used in the condition comes from here:
salesforce configuration screen
11. Configure the mapping:
  • Stage Other Closed Won. 
    • The stage will be changed to Closed Won when the button is clicked.
12. Click the Apply button.
map salesforce fields > mapping
13. Click the Close button on the Salesforce Integrations screen.
salesforce integrations > push tab
14. Use the drop-down list to select the Push that will update the opportunity.
15. Click the Next button.
integration action selection
16. Add a tag if necessary and click the Insert button.
added node to on click action screen
17. Click the Apply button. In this example, the button's name was changed to “Update Stage.”
salesforce configuration > mapping
18. Click the Apply button.
19. Open the Project Settings, and under Tools, use the toggle switch to turn on Debug Mode.
project settings > tools > debug mode
20. Save and preview the project.
21. Click the Debug button. The values (opportunity IDs) in the power table are shown.
debug table window
If the button on the power table is clicked, the Salesforce record is updated.
update stage action

09 View the Updated Opportunity on Titan Web

1. Open the Project Settings and click the Salesforce option.
2. Click the Integration Logs option. The updated record is shown.
integration logs
3. Click the record ID to open the record in Salesforce. The stage was updated to Closed Won.
updated stage in Salesforce
4. Refresh the webpage. The stage is updated here as well.
updated stage

10 Add an Update Action to the Power Table

You can add an action that will update the power table after the record in Salesforce is updated.
1. Select the power table and click the Gear icon.
2. Click the Edit Mapping button.
3. Click the Configure On Click Action button next to the Button.
mapping > configure on click action
4. Double-click the Salesforce Action node.
5. Use the drop-down list to select the Opportunity Power Table Get.
6. Expand the Integration options.
integration action screen
7. Click the Custom Order of Execution checkbox.
8. Type 1 next to the Opportunity (update) Get, and 2 next to the Opportunity (get) Power Table Get.
  • The opportunity will be updated, and then the power table will be refreshed with the new data immediately.
integration action order
9. Click the Next and Save buttons.

10. Click the Apply button on the On Click Action screen.
11. Click the Apply button on the Salesforce Configuration screen.
12. Save and preview the project.
13. Click the Update Stage button.
click the update stage button
The page is refreshed automatically.

11 Show More Details on a Modal

You can see more details on the record in a specific row by using a modal. This is useful when you don't want to show all the details in the power table.
1. Add a modal and add a form.
  • + icon > Containers > Modal 
  • + icon > Form > Form
2. Add elements to the form:
  •  + icon > Input > Textarea 
  •  + icon > Input > Textarea 
  •  + icon > Input > Lookup field 
  •  + icon > Input > Dropdown field 
  •  + icon > Button > Primary button

3. Change the labels as needed.

12 Add a System Variable

You will need a system variable when configuring the Salesforce Get.
1. Click the Pages drop-down arrow.
2. Click the Kebab icon next to the Home page.
3. Click the Configure Actions button.

4. Click the Static option and add a static variable.

13 Configure a Salesforce Get

Configure the Salesforce Get to bring the details to the modal.
1. Open the Project Settings and click the Salesforce option.
2. Under Records, click the Create New button.
3. Select the Object from Salesforce from the drop-down list. We selected Opportunity.
4. Select the trigger to execute the pull from the drop-down list. We selected User action.
map salesforce fields > object settings

5. Click on Conditions and map the condition. You will use the variable added in the previous section here.
  • Opportunity ID Equals Field PV/Home/opp_id
    • If the opportunity equals the variable, the modal will be populated with the details from that opportunity.
map salesforce fields > conditions tab
6. Under Mapping, map the fields to the modal by using the drop-down lists.
map salesforce fields > mapping tab

7. Click the Apply button.
8. Click the Close button on the Salesforce Integration screen.
9. Save the project.

14 Pass the Value of the Variable

To populate the modal, you need to pass the value from the selected row to the variable and then trigger the Salesforce Get.
We added this action to the icon.
1. Select the power table and click the Gear icon.
2. Click the Edit Mapping button.
power table settings
3. Change the header name for the icon.
4. Click the Configure On Click Action button next to the Icon.
salesforce configuration > mapping

15 Add Affected Elements Node

Use the Affected Elements node to populate the variable.
1. Click the + icon next to the Start node and click the Affected Elements option.
2. Click the Next button.
add node screen
3. Find the variable and select the Set value from to the Power Table Value.
  • The value from the selected row (the opportunity ID) will be used to set the variable.
4. Click the Apply button.
affected element config
5. Click the Next button.
affect elements configuration
6. Add a tag if necessary and click the Insert button.

16 Add a Salesforce Action Node

The Salesforce Get will populate the modal with more opportunity details.
1. Click the + icon of the Affected Elements node and click the Salesforce Action option.
2. Click the Next button.
add nose screen
3. Use the drop-down list to select the Salesforce Get.
select salesforce get/push
4. Click the Next button.
5. Add a tag if necessary and click the Insert button.

17 Add an After Finish Action

This action will make sure that the modal opens when the icon is clicked.
1. Click the + icon next to the After Finish action on the Salesforce modal.
2. Under Layout Actions, click the Drawer/Modal option and click the Next button.
add node screen
3. Click the Modal option and use the toggle switch to enable the Modal.
4. Use the drop-down list to select the modal and click the Show radio button.
5. Click the Next button.
modal configuration
6. Add a tag if necessary and click the insert button.
7. Click the Apply button.
on action flow
8. Click the Apply button on the Salesforce Integration screen.
9. Save and preview the project.
10. Click the icon next to a record.
see more details arrow
The modal opens and shows more details about the selected record.
modal pop up
The Contact lookup field can be used to update the opportunity.

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