This lesson will cover the following topics:

06 | Method


01 Introduction

In this lesson, we will learn how to distribute surveys. 

Titan Web Survey provides us with a variety of distribution methods.

Distribution methods include the following:

  • Report
  • List View
  • Object
  • Automation
  • External

02 Distributing Surveys

1. Click the Publish button.

2. View the distribution options.

  • Report: The Report method uses a pre-existing Salesforce report, so you can distribute surveys to the required respondents.
    No need to waste time configuring conditions to determine who will be taking the survey. All you need to do is select a report that includes the intended recipients in Titan.
  • List View: You can distribute your survey to a filtered list of users. The list is managed in your Salesforce instance.
    The conditions that you used to filter records on the list view will automatically apply to the Survey distribution, expediting the configuration process.
  • Object: Distribute surveys from Salesforce objects. You can write conditions based on Salesforce data to determine who will be taking the survey.
  • Automation: Salesforce real-time automation is fully supported by Titan Survey, allowing for dynamic and automatic distribution of surveys. 
    Trigger a Flow or Apex and call a Titan survey to fit any Business Logic needed.
  • External: Generate a Survey link that gives us the flexibility to publish surveys however you need.
    Using this link, surveys can be distributed through third-party email services like Gmail or Mailchimp. This sends surveys to anonymous or identified end-users and relates their responses to a Salesforce record.

The distribution type chosen impacts the rest of the steps. In this example, we briefly look at the external method as it has fewer steps than the other distribution methods. Then the focus is on the list view and report options; firstly, looking at the different Config screens and then discussing the next steps where the screens look the same for both options.

03 External Config

1. Select the External option and click the Next button.

2. On the Config screen, choose one of the options:

  • Anonymous users, which means anyone can respond to the survey.
  • Identified users, from a Salesforce object that will relate survey responses to a Salesforce record.

3. Click on the Next button.

4. On the Create Distribution screen, add a comment in the field. This field is mandatory.

5. Click on the Click to Create button to create the distribution.

04 List View Config

1. Select the List View option and click the Next button.

2. On the Config screen, use the drop-down list to select the Object in Salesforce. You can select any object to identify your respondents and distribute the survey to them.

3. Choose the Record ID from the drop-down list to select the ID of an object. The record ID is a mandatory field that determines the record that survey responses will be attached to.

4. Select the List View option from the drop-down list. This is the list view in Salesforce, with its specific filters associated with the object you selected in the previous step.

05 Report Config

1. Select the Report option and click the Next button.

2. On the Config screen, use the Salesforce Report drop-down list to choose which report will be used to determine the distribution list.

06 Method

1. Click on the Next button on the Config screen to go to the Method screen. The Method screen is applicable to the following distribution methods:

  • Report
  • List View
  • Object
  • Automation

In this example, the List View method is used.

2. Choose the method. In this example, the Mail option is selected.

3. Click on the Mail option and click on the Next button. There are two options: Email template or Custom Email.

07 Got Feedback?

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