Topic outline

  • Before we begin our course, see how easy it is to build a survey with TITAN Survey.
    In fact, you can build one in less than 10 minutes!  

  • Welcome to Chapter One!
    In this chapter, we will learn what we can expect from this course and common terms.
    The chapter includes two lessons, an introduction poll, and a summary.

    At the end of this chapter, you will have an overview of the course and know frequently used terms.
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  • Welcome to Chapter Two! 
    In this Chapter, we will learn about the TITAN Survey interface.
    As we will see, the interface is divided into four main areas: (1) The top Menu Bar, (2) The Left Hand Column, (3) The Canvas & (4) The Right Hand Column. Knowing the interface will enhance our understanding of Survey and its capabilities.
    The chapter includes one video lesson, a self-practice, and an assessment
    At the end of this chapter, you will be able to easily navigate the system interface. we can design and customize our elements and publish surveys.
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  • Welcome!
    In this chapter, we will learn some of the fundamental principles of building a TITAN Web Survey. For example: adding, managing and styling different types of Slides and elements.
    The chapter includes: four lessons, a summary, a self-practice, and an assessment.
    At the end of the chapter, you will be able to create a new Web Survey Project, add slides and elements and style them. 

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  • Welcome to Chapter Four!
    In this chapter, we will learn about the Project Settings Menu and focus on three of its sub-menus: Overview, Survey, and Site Elements. The chapter includes three lessons, a summary, self-practice, and an assessment.
    At the end of the chapter, you will be able to use the overview, survey, and site elements tabs.  
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  • Welcome to Chapter Five!
    In this chapter we will learn about the following topics: The Web Survey Styles Menu, Designing Elements, and Customizing Survey Content for Different Devices.
    The chapter includes three lessons, a summary, a self-practice, and an assessment.
    At the end of the chapter, you will be able to create a unique look and feel for surveys.
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  • Welcome to Chapter Six!
    In this chapter, we will learn about previewing and distributing surveys. The chapter includes two lessons, a summary, a self-practice, and an assessment.
    At the end of the chapter, you will be able to preview projects for easy reviewing and distribute surveys using a variety of methods.
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  • Welcome to Chapter Seven!
    In this chapter, we will learn about My Submissions and Titan Survey Analytics. The chapter includes two lessons, a summary, a self-practice, and an assessment.
    At the end of the chapter, you will be able to view the data submitted by respondents and use a variety of reports to gain insight into data trends.
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  • Welcome to the final chapter of this course!
    In this chapter, we will summarize the topics discussed in the course. If you are taking this course for accreditation, please complete the Course Assessment. Finally, your opinion is important to us!
    Please take a few minutes to answer a short course summary poll before you leave.
    Looking forward to meeting you in our other TITAN courses.
    The TITANs.
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