This lesson will cover the following topics:

01 Getting Started

This video covers the animation element, including:
  • Using images in the animation element.
  • Setting animations for images.
  • Working with Lottie files.

02 Images in the Animation Element

The animation element is found under the media tab in the element menu.
media tab where the animation element is found
To start configuring your animation element:
1. Navigate to the Animation settings menu and click Edit Mapping.
edit mapping button found in the animation settings menu
2. Click Add Image Item. You can choose to upload more than one image.
add an image option found in the configure animated options screen
3. Click Select Image. You can choose a previously uploaded image, or an image in Salesforce, link a public image URL, or upload an image from your PC.
add an image option
4. Using the Animation In and Animation Out dropdowns choose how each image will animate in and out.
animation in and animation out options

You can configure on-click actions that will affect your animation element.
element animation options when configuring a on click action

03 Working with Lottie Items

You can upload several Lotties if it is required.
1. When uploading an item, select the Add Lottie Item option.
add Lottie item option found in the configure animated options screen.
2. You can choose from your previously uploaded Lottie items or upload a new one.
choose or upload a lottie file
There is a separate layer for each part of the Lottie, you can choose whether to loop specific Lottie layers.
layers of the Lottie animations

When configuring an on-click action for a Lottie, you can use the Lottie animation options.
Lottie actions that can be applied

04 Got Feedback?

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