01 Getting Started

In this lesson, we will look at the features and interactivity of multi-step containers. We will focus on the stepper container and make some remarks on accordion, tab, and multi-step containers.

We will review how to add steps and conditional steps, which will only appear conditionally. We will look at how to trigger conditions based on steps and how to run actions based on the step that the user is on. We will highlight how to do validations, disable the name click, and use dot styles for mobile devices. We will discuss how to hide the default controls on the containers and use custom buttons.

02 Quick Overview

If there are mandatory fields on a stepper, the user will not be able to go to the next step if these fields are not completed. This functionality can be removed, and we will show you how later.

Screenshot of Marketing Quote Request showing mandatory fields example

Depending on the answer to a question, steps can be hidden or shown. In this example, if the user selects “Yes” on the “Do you currently invest in digital marketing?”, the Marketing Budget step is added. Steps can be shown as per conditions.

Screenshot of Marketing Quote Request showing repeat multistep container example

If the user tries to click on the name of the step (Marketing Budget), nothing happens as the Name Click was disabled. The user has to click the Next button to proceed to the Marketing budget step. You can change this if you want.

Screenshot of Marketing Quote Request showing repeat multi-step container example

Please note that the buttons on the last step differ from those used in the previous steps. We can conditionally hide and show buttons on a step. You can add custom buttons if you don’t want to use the default controls.

Screenshot of Marketing Quote Request showing multi-step container example

03 Add Steps to the Stepper

You can easily add more steps to a stepper.

1. Select the stepper container and click the Gear icon. The Settings screen opens.

2. Click the Edit Mapping button to add Static steps.

Screenshot showing how to add Static Values in the Stepper Settings menu

3. Click the Add a Tab option and type a label and value in the fields before clicking the Apply button.

Screenshot of Configure Tabs window

04 Hide and Show Steps Conditionally

We configured a condition on the “Do you currently invest in digital marketing?” field. Let’s show you how we did it.

1. Select the field and click the Gear icon. The Settings screen opens.

2. Under Conditions, click the Configure Conditions button.

Screenshot of the dropdown settings menu showing the conditions tab

3. Select the field (Do you currently invest in digital marketing?) from the drop-down list and configure the condition.
  • Equals Value Yes
4. Click the Configure Action button.

Screenshot of the Set Conditions window

5. Click the Affect Elements option and search for the Stepper Marketing Budget.

6. Click the checkbox.

7. Select the Show option from the drop-down list and click the Apply button.

8. Click the Apply button to close the Set Rule action screen.

Screenshot of the Set Rule Action Window

9. Click the Apply button on the Set Conditions screen.

05 Add Conditions Based on the Value of a Step

1. Select the stepper container and click the Gear icon. The Settings screen opens.

2. Click the Conditions option.

Screenshot of the Stepper Settings menu showing the Conditions tab

3. Configure the condition.

We configured the following:

1. Two rules:
  • If the Stepper Value Contains the Value Company Details
  • If the Stepper Value Contains the Value File Upload
Screenshot of the Edit Node screen showing how to edit the conditions

2. An Affect Element node:

  • Hide the Back button
  • Show the Next button
  • Hide the Submit button
Screenshot of the Edit Node screen showing how to configure the affected elements

It looks as follows:
Screenshot of the Set Conditions window

We then added an Affected Elements node that states the following:

If the Stepper Value Contains File Upload, Hide the Next button and Show the Back and Submit buttons.

Screenshot of the Edit Node screen showing how to configure the affected elements

The Actions Flow now looks as follows:

Screenshot of the Set Conditions window

We then added an Affected Node on the Else as follows:

  • Else Hide the Submit and Back buttons and Show the Next button.
Screenshot of the Edit Node window showing configuration for the affected elements

Now the Actions Flow looks as follows:

Screenshot of the Set Conditions window showing the action flow configuration

06 Add Interactivity on the Stepper

There are many options under Interactivity, but we will only focus on a few.

1. Select the stepper container and click the Gear icon.

2. Click Interactivity to view all the available options. In this example, the Vertical checkbox is checked; therefore, the stepper container is shown vertically. Uncheck the option to show the stepper horizontally.

Screenshot of the Stepper Settings menu showing the Interactivity tab showing how to enable the vertical function

3. Click the Ignore validation checkbox to ignore any validations on fields. For instance, if we select Ignore validations in this stepper, the mandatory fields will not be validated, and a user can go to the next step without filling in the mandatory fields.

  • This option is available for steppers and multi-step containers but not for tabs and accordions, as they are not used for linear processes.
Screenshot of the Stepper Settings menu showing the Interactivity tab showing how to ignore validations

4. Click the Disable Name Click checkbox to prevent the user from jumping around in the stepper by clicking the name of a step. If this option is on, the user must click the Next button to move to the next step.

  • This option is available for steppers and multi-step containers but not for tabs and accordions.
Screenshot of the Stepper Settings menu showing the Interactivity tab showing how to prevent users from jumping steps

07 Use the Dot Style

This option is useful for mobile device layouts, but you can use it for any device.

We used the Device drop-down list and selected one of the Mobile options.

Screenshot showing the expanded device dropdown

On the left, you can see the vertical layout, and on the right, the horizontal layout. It is not possible to see the different steps on the horizontal layout unless the user scrolls to the right.

Screenshot showing the form preview on a different device sizes

To mitigate this, you can use the Dot style.

1. Select the stepper container and click the Gear icon.

2. Under Interactivity, click the Use Dot Style checkbox.
  • This option can be used on any device size.
Screenshot showing the preview form on any device size

Dot style hides the step labels and replaces them with dots. The number of dots corresponds with the number of steps.

08 Hide the Default Controls and Use Custom Buttons

You can hide the default stepper controls and use custom buttons. If the Hide Controls checkbox is not checked, you will see the default buttons on the stepper.

All the Titan multi-step containers have default controls.

Screenshot of the Stepper Settings menu

Running any actions on the default Back and Next buttons is impossible.

For more customization and custom styling, do the following:
1. Click the Hide Controls checkbox.

2. Add button elements where necessary.

3. Click the button element’s Gear icon and click the On Click Action icon.

Screenshot of the button menu

4. Hover with the mouse pointer on the Start node and click the + icon. The Add Node screen opens.

Screenshot of the On Click Action with Add Node screen overlayed

5. Select the Element Interactivity tab and in our example the Stepper Interactivity.
  • Alternatively, you can choose the applicable option for your container type: 
    • Multi Step Interactivity
    • Accordion Interactivity
    • Tab Interactivity
6. Click the Next button.

Screenshot of the Add Node window

7. Use the drop-down list to select the stepper.

8. Use the radio button to select an option:
  • Reset: reset the value in the container.
  • Prev Step: go to the previous step
  • Next Step: go to the next step
  • Go to Step: go to a specific step. A field is added, and you can add a static or field value.
  • Finish: trigger a finish action.
  • Scroll to
    • None
    • Top 
    • Bottom

9. Click the Next button.

10. Add a descriptive tag and click the Insert button. The interactivity is added to the action flow.

11. Click the Apply button.

These were a few of the common functionalities of multi-step containers.

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