01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers text elements, including:
  • Populating text elements with values from Salesforce.
  • Using the formatting options.

02 Set Text Values

You can use any of the options available under the text tab.
text options
For this demonstration, a title and button was inserted into the project.

To affect the text element:
1. Click On the button interactivity icon. The On Click Action Screen opens.
button quick menu
2. Click the Start + icon. The Add Node Screen opens.
3. Select the Affected Elements option and click Next.
on click action screen > add node > affected elements
4. Choose the text element you want to affect from the list. Note: It is important that you give all your elements tags using the metadata tab found in the element settings menu to easily find the element you want to affect.
5. Use the drop-down to select Set Value. Type in the value to replace the text with and click Apply. Click Next.
add node > affected elements configuration
6. Add a tag and click Insert.
The node is added to the screen.
7. Click Apply.
on click action > configured nodes
Save and Preview. When the button is clicked, the text value is changed.
preview screen showing an example of how text is affected when a button is clicked

03 Populating Text Values from Salesforce

For this example, a Salesforce get was configured to bring data from a contact in Salesforce. Users will type in a contact into the lookup field and when the button is clicked, the text is changed to match the contact name.
Preview screen showing an example of how text is changed to reflect the contact name searched

To include a custom message:
1. Navigate to the mapping tab in the Map Salesforce fields window.
2. Use the Salesforce field dropdown and select Custom. Click the Custom Gear icon.
map salesforce fields > mapping tab
3. Create your custom message. This can contain both static and dynamic text. Click Apply.
custom message window
Save and preview. Users will type in a contact into the lookup field and when the button is clicked, the text is changed to match the custom message.
Preview screen showing an example of how text is changed to display a custom message

04 Bring Rich Text From Salesforce

You can bring rich text from Salesforce into your Titan project.
For example, a contact that contains a rich text field.
example of rich text saved in salesforce contact

To ensure the content matches the formatting in Salesforce:
1. Navigate to the text settings menu.
2. Enable the Custom HTML switch.
text settings > content tab > custom HTML switch enabled

Open the Salesforce get:
1. Navigate to the mapping tab in the Map Salesforce fields window.
2. Use the Salesforce field dropdown and select Rich Text. Click the Gear icon.
map salesforce fields > mapping tab
3. In the Configure Format window, click the Enabled checkbox and use the Format dropdown to select HTML. Click Apply.
configure format window
4. Click Apply to close the Map Salesforce Fields window.
Save and Preview. When users click the button, the rich text field is displayed. The rich text will match the formatting in Salesforce. 
preview screen showing an example of how text-rich area displays in the project

05 Custom HTML

You can customize your text by enabling Custom HTML in the Text Settings Menu and clicking the gear icon.
text settings menu > content tab > custom HTML enabled
The Custom HTML window opens. You can choose from a variety of styling options to customize your text.
custom HTML window
Note: This styling will be lost when replacing the text as demonstrated in Section 2 - Set Text Values.

To ensure the set value text mirrors the same formatting as the original text:
1. Copy the Text HTML code from the text settings menu.
text settings menu > content tab > text window displaying HTML code
2. Navigate to the Affected Element configuration. Paste the copied code in the text field. Remember to make edits to the text portions to display the correct content. Copying the code is to ensure the formatting matches.
edit node > affected elements > copy pasted HTML code

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