Topic outline

  • This course was created to give you a quick start to building Email & Web Surveys using TITAN Survey. 
    The course is composed of four chapters: 
    1. Introduction
    2. Web Survey
    3. Email Survey
    4. Summary 
    The chapters relating to web and email surveys contain a Video Tutorial, a Textual Tutorial, and a Chapter Assessment

    Remark: Respondents who take this course for accreditation must complete the Course Assessment in addition to the two Chapter Assessments. 
  • Welcome to the final chapter of this course!
    In this chapter, we will summarize the topics discussed in the course.
    If you are taking this course for accreditation, please complete the Course Assessment.
    Finally, your opinion is important to us! Please take a few minutes to answer a short course summary poll before you leave.
    Looking forward to meeting you in our other TITAN courses.
    The TITANs.