01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers the layer list, including:
  • A layer list overview.
  • Managing elements in the layer list. 
  • Menu options.
  • Managing element visibility.
  • Manging element position.
  • Layer list for different devices.

02 What is the Layer List?

The layer list is a panel where each project element is listed in a hierarchy. The layer list shows the current structure of your project.

To access the layer list:
1. Expand the View dropdown.
2. Click Show Layer List.
view dropdown > show layer list > layer list menu displayed

03 Managing Elements in the Layer List

To reorder elements in your project:
1. Select the element.
2. Drag and drop the element into its new position.
layer list view

04 Menu Options

1. Right-click on an element in the layer list. A pop-up menu is displayed.

Locking the element prevents it from being moved on the canvas.

layer list > sub menu

05 Managing Element Visibility

To hide an element from displaying to the end user:
1. Click the eye icon in the layer list.
hide icon in layer list

The element will remain on the canvas but will be greyed out. To display the element again, click the same eye icon.

06 Managing Element Position

Depending on the element position in the layer list hierarchy, elements will layer on top or behind one another.

To bring an element forward:
1. Right-click on the element in the layer list.
2. Expand the Arrange sub-menu and select an option.
layer list > arrange sub menu

07 Layer List for Different Devices

You can set up your pages to work across a variety of devices.
1. Use the layer list device dropdown and choose a device from the dropdown.
layer list > device dropdown

The canvas will auto-resize to the selected device. You can make changes to the canvas to suit the specific device, these changes will not be applied to the other device layouts. This means you can hide elements such as images from mobile device users but display them to desktop users.
mobile layout example

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