01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers pushing a hierarchy of Objects to Salesforce.

For demonstrative purposes, a Stepper element was created including 3 steps. We will configure 3 Push actions to create an account, an associated contact, and a related file.

02 Stepper Setup

A stepper element was used to create 3 different forms.

  • Step 1 will create an account.
  • Step 2 will create a contact associated with the account.
  • Step 3 will upload a file attachment to the account.

stepper element

1. Navigate to the Stepper settings menu and select the Interactivity tab.

2. Click the Configure On Finish Action button.

Stepper menu, interactivity tab, configure on click action

3. Select the Start + icon, choose Salesforce Action as the node, and click Next.

salesforce action node selected

4. Click the Salesforce Integration button.

Salesforce Integration button

03 Parent Push

1. Select the Push tab and click Create New.

Salesforce Integration window push tab

2. In the Object Settings tab, configure: Account as the Salesforce Object, Create as the Action, and add a description.

Map Salesforce fields object settings tab

3. In the Mapping tab, map the project elements to their corresponding Salesforce fields. Click Apply.

Map salesforce fields mapping tab

04 First Nested Push

1. Select the ellipsis icon and select + Add Child from the submenu. This will create a nested push.

Add child to push

2. In the Object Settings tab, configure: choose Contact as the Salesforce, Create as the Action, and add a description.

Map Salesforce fields object settings tab

3. The Mapping tab shows that the Account ID is already mapped as this is a child push associated with the create account push. This mapping will only occur for nested actions. You can map the project elements to the corresponding Salesforce fields. Click Apply.

Map Salesforce fields mapping tab

05 Second Nested Push

1. Select the ellipsis icon of the first nested push and select + Add Child from the submenu.

Add child push

2. In the Object Settings tab, configure: Files/Content Version as the Salesforce Object, Create as the Action, and add a description.

Map Salesforce fields object settings tab

3. The Mapping tab shows that the First Publish Location ID has already been mapped according to the parent push. This mapping will only occur for nested actions. Map Version Data to the Choose Files element. Click Apply.

Map Salesforce fields mapping tab

 4. Click Close.

Configured nested pushes

06 Choose Salesforce Action

1. Using the dropdown, select the first push. You will not be able to select the child push actions as they will be automatically triggered by the first parent push. Click Next.

Chosen salesforce push

2. Enter a Tag and click Insert.

The current configuration is set up to work as follows: Once the user provides their information, an account will be created first, a contact associated with that account will be pushed, and then the file upload will be saved to that contact.

07 Separating the Pushes

It is best practice to push associated data in a nested format. If you need to make each push a separate action there are some additional steps required.

To change the hierarchy of your push actions, drag and drop the actions to reorder them.

Salesforce Integration window displaying reordered pushes

Navigate to the mapping tab of the sub-pushes, and remove the automatic mapping for each.

Remove automapping

08 Page Variables

When each push is configured separately from one another, information will no longer be automatically passed. To store that information, we will need to create some variables to store that information.

1. Expand the Pages dropdown and click the ellipsis icon of the page you wish to configure the variables for.

2. Click the Configure Actions button from the submenu.

pages dropdown

3. Click on the Static Variables tab and add the following variables: account_id and contact_id. The account_id variable will be used for the contact push to ensure the contact is associated with the account. The contact_id variable will be used for the file push to ensure the file is associated with the contact. Click Apply.

Adding static variables

09 Using Variables in Pushes

1. Navigate back to the Salesforce Integration window and click the Contact edit icon.

Click edit icon for push

2. Click the Mapping tab and use the dropdown to map the Account ID to the account_id variable.

Map salesforce fields mapping tab

3. Follow the same step with the files push, however, you will map the First Publish Location ID to the contact_id variable.

Map Salesforce fields mapping tab

10 Updating the Salesforce Action

Now that the pushes are no longer nested, each push will need to be selected separately when configuring the finish action.

1. Navigate back to the Stepper On Finish Action window. 

2. Double-click the node to edit it.

On Finish Action screen

3. Use the dropdown to select the separate Salesforce push actions. Ensure you choose the Actions in the correct order or you can use the custom order feature to number each action individually.

4. Use the Return Record ID To dropdown to select the corresponding variable. Click Next and Save.

Selected Salesforce pushes

Note: You can also choose to run these actions in other nodes. For example, you could display a pop-up message asking the user whether to create a contact associated with the account and trigger the push separately.

The current configuration is set up to work as follows: Once the user provides their information, an account will be created first, a contact associated with that account will be pushed, and then the file upload will be saved to that contact. Each of these pushes will happen after the previous one, instead of happening in one nested push action.

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