This lesson will cover the following topics:

04 | Mapping

01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers pushing data to Salesforce, including:
  • Creating a record.
  • Updating or creating a record.
  • Deleting a record.
A simple form element was used for demonstrative purposes.

02 Create a Record

1. Select the Project Settings gear icon and click the Salesforce tab. The Salesforce Integration window opens.
project settings salesforce tab
2. Select the Push tab and click Create New.
create new salesforce push

03 Object Settings

1. Select your Salesforce object. This can be a custom or standard object in Salesforce.
2. Select your action. This tutorial will focus on the create, update, and delete actions.
3. Add a description. Although this step is optional, labeling each Salesforce action you create provides a quick overview of what each action does.
map salesforce fields > object settings tab

04 Mapping

Using the dropdowns, map your Salesforce field to the corresponding element. Use the filters provided to view all fields, specific pages, mapped, or unmapped fields. Once your configuration is complete. Click Apply.
map salesforce fields > mapping

05 Button On Click Action

Now that you have created a push, you will need to assign the Salesforce action to an interactive element, For example, a button.
1. Click the button interactivity icon.

2. Select the Start + icon, select Salesforce Action, and click Next.
on click action > salesforce action
3. Using the dropdown, select the Salesforce push you just created. By giving each action a unique description, you can easily see which action to choose from. Click Next.
integration action condiguration
4. Add a tag for the action, click Insert, and select Apply.

Save and preview. When a user enters their contact information and clicks the button. The information will be pushed to Salesforce and used to create a new contact.
saved salesforce action

06 Update a Record

You can choose to change your Salesforce action to update a record instead of creating a new one.
1. Navigate to your Salesforce integration window.
2. Click the edit icon next to your created push.

07 Object Settings

1. Use the Action dropdown to select Update.
2. If Salesforce finds multiple matches, you can choose which record you want to update. If Salesforce does not find a match, you can create a new contact.
map salesforce fields > object settings

08 Conditions

Create a condition to ensure the correct record is updated. For example, the email field in Salesforce must equal the email field provided by the user.
map salesforce fields > conditions tab
When a user completes the form and provides an email that matches an existing contact, any information they provide that does not match the current Salesforce data will be updated.

09 Delete a Record

You can choose to delete your Salesforce record
1. Navigate to your Salesforce integration window.
2. Click the edit icon next to your created push.

10 Object Settings

1. Use the Action dropdown to select Delete.
2. Configure which record ID should be deleted if multiple matches are found and what action must run if no match is found.
map salesforce fields > object settings

11 Conditions

Create a condition to ensure the correct record is deleted. For example, the email field in Salesforce must equal the email field provided by the user.
map salesforce fields > conditions tab
When a user completes the form and provides an email that matches an existing contact, any information they provide that does not match the current Salesforce data will be updated.

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