01 Getting Started

We will look at the options to debug your project using the debug options in Titan as well as the browser inspecting tools.
In this lesson, we have a project with the following elements:
  • a power table that shows a list of accounts
  • an input field
  • an image
  • a button
  • an email input element
configured elements
The input field and the image are hidden on load:
hide onload option

02 Where are the Actions and Conditions Used?

The button has the following on-click actions:
  • An Affect Elements node that shows the text field and the image.
  • An action that refreshes the table with new information from Salesforce.
configure actions screen
When you select the text or image and click the Gear icon, you can see the condition/s affecting that element under the Conditions option on the Settings screen. The condition shows the following:
  • Home (page) - Button (element) - Action#1 (the rule that affects the element)
text settings > conditions tab
A condition was added that states that if the email field contains the word “demo”…
email settings > conditions tab
… the value of the text field element is set to 123.
affect elements config
There is now an added condition on the text field. A tooltip is shown if you hover with the mouse pointer over the condition. This is useful when you cannot see the full name of the condition.
reordering rules
You can click the Gear icon to edit or view the condition.
gear icon next to condition

03 Where are the Salesforce Integrations used?

You can view the Salesforce integrations by opening the Project Settings and clicking the Salesforce option.

You can click the Edit icon to view the Salesforce integration.
salesforce records tab
Clicking the Where Used option on the Map Salesforce fields screen shows where Salesforce interaction is used in this project.
where used tab
The first rule was automatically created when the power table was created and runs each time the page is loaded. The second rule is invoked from the button.
You can click the Gear icon to open the Actions Flow, where the Salesforce integration can be viewed and edited.

04 How do you Debug in the Preview Mode?

  • Use the Console Tab
  • Use the Network Tab
  • Use the Payload Tab

05 Use the Console Tab

If the Debug Mode is not enabled, you will not see any feedback on the Console tab in the browser. This functionality is not available on published pages.
1. Make sure that the Debug Mode is enabled on the Project Settings.
project settings > took tab > debug mode
2. Save and Preview the projects.
3. On your web browser, right-click and click the Inspect option.
inspect page
4. Open the Console tab and refresh the page. You will see the actions that ran.
console tab
You will see that the actions have very generic names. To make identification easier, make sure that you give your rules, conditions, actions, and so on descriptive names.
  • Edit the rule name
  • Give a descriptive tag
show merge field node
The descriptive names are now shown when the page is refreshed:
run rules and run nodes
You will also see the ID on the custom action Salesforce Get that you can use to find the specific element in Titan.
custom action salesforce get
1. Copy the ID and open the Salesforce Integrations under the Project Settings.
2. Paste the ID. The associated Salesforce action is shown. This is especially helpful on a project with many Get integrations.
salesforce integration screen
3. If an email address containing the word “demo” is added, the text field is populated with “123” according to the condition. You can see this on the Console tab:
console tab view

06 Use the Network Tab

1. Click the Network tab and make sure that the Fetch/XH tab is open.
network tab details
2. Click the sfmapping option. This shows the integration with Salesforce.
  • If the status is “success” on the Response tab, the data was pushed to or retrieved from Salesforce as expected.
  • The power table ID is shown, which is very useful if you have multiple power tables in the project.
power table mapping
3. Copy the power table ID and paste it into the Search field in the Titan Web builder. It will show you where the power table with that ID is.
finding the power table id
You will also see the contact IDs that the query returned to the power table.
contact queries returned for table
If you scroll down, you will see the hash value that is stored in a hidden column.
value hash
When you scroll down further, you will see the list of account names that the query returned.
contact list with names
Below the account names, you will see the account type.
account type

07 Use the Payload Tab

1. Open the Payload tab and expand the lists. You can see any parameters that you configured for the query if there are any.
network screenshot

08 Got Feedback?

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