Permissions (6 min)
01 Getting Started
02 Doc Gen Troubleshooting
Your first step should always be to check if your Salesforce is authenticated in Titan
Next, check that your API Access is enabled with the appropriate permission settings.
You will also need to check your access settings under Document Generation if you are experiencing issues with Doc Gen.
If you click the Doc Gen button in your Salesforce environment, and the document you want to generate is not displaying in the list, navigate back to your Titan account. Under the Users tab in My Account ensure the correct Users have been added as collaborators and that they have access to the document.
If some assigned users can see and others cannot; navigate Salesforce Permission Sets, under Titan User, and check that the correct permissions are assigned. You will need to ensure that the user is assigned full permission to use the Titan package.
03 Wizard Troubleshooting
If you are experiencing issues with the Wizard, follow the same steps above. If you are still experiencing issues navigate to the Users tab in My Account and edit a collaborator.
Click the Application Access tab and ensure the Sign Wizard in Salesforce is enabled for that collaborator.