01 Before We Begin

Could you build a professional Salesforce-integrated survey, in less than 10 minutes?
Well, with TITAN Survey you can!

We’ve prepared in advance a proofread, digital copy of a Survey and a folder with all the logos and images we will need.
Our Survey includes questions and will help us gather customer feedback about our support services.
So, let’s see if we can build our survey in less than 10 minutes.

: A copy of the Survey and images used in this use case are available to you here if you wish to practice yourself.

02 Install the Survey App in Salesforce

1. Navigate to the Salesforce AppExchange, search "Titan Survey", click enter, and select "Get it Now":
image displaying the Salesforce AppExchange.

2. Follow the prompts to install the package and you are all set!

Additional information about the Survey App installation is available on our support website at: https://support.titandxp.com/survey/finish-slide

03 Open a New Survey Project

1. On the Titan Dashboard, select the New Project button. The Select Project Type screen opens.

image of Dashboard

   2. Select the Survey option and click on the Next button. The Select Survey Type screen opens.

image displaying how to select a new Survey Project.

 3. Select the Web Survey option and click on the Next button. The Select Template screen opens.

 image displaying Selection of Survey Type

4. Select a template. The Blank template is selected by default. The templates can be selected by industry. Click on any template to select it and click the Next button. The Select Theme screen opens.

image displaying how to select a template

5. Click on the desired theme. Select the Next button.

 image displaying selection of theme

6. It’s now time to give our survey a name. Type a unique name for your survey. Select the Let’s go! button.

 image displaying naming the survey

04 Configure the Start and Finish Slides

The start and finish slides are automatically added to all surveys.
1. Select a layout from the Layout List.

 image showing TITAN Survey Canvas

2. Click on the Title or Description and type your title or description in the text field. You can also use the Custom HTML option.

 image showing how to update text

3. Next, add a logo to your survey by clicking the empty logo box and either choosing an image from your library, selecting an image from Salesforce, uploading an image, or pasting an image URL. Below, the Titan logo has been selected from the image library. After this, click Apply. You can add an image to your Start Slide in the same way by first clicking the empty image box and then choosing your desired image.

 image showing how to select the image

The same steps apply to the Finish Slide.

05 Adding a Survey List Question

1. Once the Start Slide has been set up, you are ready to start creating slides. You can do so by clicking the Add Slide option on the left of the screen and choosing from the Question, Information, and End Slide types. Below, the Question Slide has been selected. 

image displaying selection of Question Slide

2. Next select a question type from the Popular, Survey, Input, Time, List, Boolean, and Misc categories. Below, the Survey List question type has been chosen. 
 image showing selection of question type

3. After clicking Insert, your Survey List question will appear on your slide. You can edit the question text by selecting this field and typing your text in the Content section. As with the Start Slide, you can choose to enable Advanced Mode to tailor your text. In the example below, the question description was deleted by hovering over it and clicking the trash icon. This is because the question is already clear enough. 

 image displaying the editing of question title.

4. To further customize this question type, click the Edit Mapping button under Survey List Settings (where static values are automatically selected) on the right of the screen. 

 image displaying how to edit mapping.

5. Next, add desired answers to the screen. You also have the option to click “Add a choice” and add an additional answer to the screen.

 image displaying configuring of question answers.

6. To make the question mandatory. Click on the interactivity tab in the element settings menu and enable the mandatory checkbox.

 image displaying how to set up mandatory answer.

7. You can also choose to rename your slide by navigating to the slide’s kebab menu, clicking Rename, and typing in a new slide name. Respondents won’t see this name but it will help you navigate through your survey builder.

 image displaying how to rename a slide.

06 Adding a Matrix Question

1. You have the ability to insert multiple different questions with the same set of answers. The best way to achieve this is by inserting a Matrix question using the add slide button. To do so, click on Add a Slide > question > survey tab, and then select the Matrix question type, and insert it.

image displaying how to add a matrix question.

2. Next, configure the static question and answer values using the matrix settings menu. To edit the questions in the matrix, simply select the Edit Mapping option under “Questions”, edit questions, and click Apply. 

 image displaying how mapping of questions is done.

3. Edit Answers in the same way by selecting the Answers' Edit Mapping option, filling answers into the fields, and clicking Apply. 

 image displaying mapping of answers

4. Choose to display each question separately by enabling Card Mode under Interactivity. Card Mode is particularly useful when viewing the survey off a mobile device. 

 image displaying how to set up cardMode.

07 Adding a Text Area Question

1. You have the ability to insert a larger text area for longer responses. Click on Add a Slide > question > input tab, and then select the Text Area question type, and insert it.

2. Type your question in the text field and add a description. 

 image displaying where to edit question text.

08 General Styling

1. Once you have set up your desired slides, you are ready to set up the styling parameters of your survey. To do so, click the survey styles icon, then the questions drop-down, and set a font color for all your survey questions. 

 image displaying how to change the text color.

2. Next, set the background color for all slides in the Web Survey drop-down. 

 image displaying how to change the slide background color.

3. The Web Survey will customize styling for your whole survey while selecting the Current Slide drop-down enables you to set it for the current slide. The Current Slide option has fewer styling options and only enables you to set a fill color or background image.

 image displaying how to change background color of current slide.

09 Distributing our Survey

1. To distribute your Survey, click the Publish button and choose your Distribution type. In this instance, List View is selected. 

image displaying how to distribute using a List View.

2. Set configuration for Object in Salesforce, List View, and Record ID fields. 

 image showing step two of the List Distribution - Config.

3. You can choose Mail as the distribution method and opt for the Custom Email option. Go ahead and configure From Email Address and Choose Email fields. You can also give your mail a subject and body text if you wish. 

 image displaying stage four of the List Distribution - Content tab.

4. Add the Survey Results Recipient's email address and a comment before sending the survey. Finally, choose to send the survey now or later, and select the Click to Send button. 

 image displaying step six of the List View distribution - Send.

10 Reviewing Survey Data

The Salesforce Data Collected from Surveys includes:
  • Taken Surveys Data - includes all data that provides insight into each survey taker’s responses.
  • Survey Distribution Data - shows data related to every time the survey was distributed.
  • Survey Questions Data - lists a breakdown of the questions found in the survey.
Access Data Submitted by Respondents

1. Get the TITAN Surveys for Salesforce app from the AppExchange store.

 image displaying the AppExchange

 2. Log into your Salesforce account and search for the Titan Survey app.

 image displaying how to search for the Titan App on the Saleseforce App Exchange.

Use the Surveys tab drop-down arrow to choose a specific project.

 Image displaying how to access in the Survey Tab Records.

Alternatively, select the Surveys tab to view all projects and key figures.
Select a project to view all the details regarding the survey.

 image displaying one can also press on the Surveys tab and selecting "Recently Viewed".

View details of your survey by selecting the Details tab.

 image showing surveys tab open and below details.

3. Choose the Related tab to view the number of surveys taken, details regarding survey distribution, and a list of your questions in the survey.

 image displaying the Related tab marked.

View your Survey Taken Data in Salesforce
1. Navigate to the Related tab for your chosen survey and select the Surveys Taken link.

  image displaying Surveys Taken.

2. The Surveys Taken page opens up and displays all your survey responses with key data regarding the status of the survey, the number of completed surveys, and the number of logins to your survey.

3. Obtain a detailed breakdown of each response by choosing one of the records.

 image displaying a submission.

4. Selecting the Details tab will provide a host of information regarding the respondent’s responses.

 image displaying a Survey Distribution

View your Survey Distributions Data in Salesforce
1. Select the Survey Distributions link under the Related tab to explore the distribution data.

 image displaying survey distribution

2. The Details tab will display various distribution data in an easy-to-view dashboard collected from your survey.

 image displaying a submission.

View your Survey Questions Data in Salesforce
1. Select the Survey Questions link under the Related tab to explore the question data from your survey.

 image displaying the Related tab.

2. Choose a specific question to get a more detailed breakdown.

 image displaying the details tab.

11 Got Feedback?

Additional Resources