01 Getting Started

You can use the Titan Sign Wizard with templates built in Titan Sign, documents you have in Salesforce, or locally on your device. Use the Titan Sign Wizard to add merge or signature fields and send the document to signers.

02 Configure Document Generation in Titan

You can set up the emails used in the Sign Wizard. This is a one-time setup.
1. Browse to the Dashboard and open the Settings tab.
2. Click the Document Generation option and click Titan Sign > Sign Wizard.
3. Configure the reviewer email and the CC email.
4. Click the Save button.
Settings> Titan Sign > Sign Wizard

03 Configure the Titan Sign Wizard in Salesforce

Let’s look at how you can add the Titan Sign Wizard to the page layout. Find the wizard in Salesforce, included in our managed package. In the sample Salesforce record below, we have added the Sign wizard to a contact page.
Titan Sign

04 Add the Sign Wizard to a Salesforce Contact Page

In this lesson, we added the Sign Wizard to a tab, but you can add it anywhere on the page.
1. Click on the Setup Gear icon in Salesforce and choose Edit Page.
edit page
2. On the right of the screen, click the Add Tab option.
3. Use the drop-down list to select the Custom option and add a name, for instance, Titan Sign Wizard.
4. Click the Done button. The tab is added to the screen.
add custom tab
5. Search for “titan” and drag the titanSignWizard to the tab.
search for titan sign
6. Use the Wizard Type drop-down list to select the Sign option.
  • You can set your Wizard Type to Full to show all the wizard options, or you can choose Titan Sign, CLM, or DocGen.
  • We will choose Sign for this tutorial as that is what we cover in this exercise. The layout of the wizard changes and only the Sign wizard is shown.
select wizard type
7. Set your height. In our example, we will leave the height at the default 700px.

8. Click the Activation button.
9. Click the Assign as Org Default and click the Close button.
activation: contact record page

10. Click the applicable radio button and click the Next button.
Assign form factor

11. Review the assignment and click the Save button.
review assignment

12. Click the Save button at the top right of the screen.
13. Navigate back to the contact. The Titan Sign Wizard tab with the Sign wizard was added.
Upload files

05 Use Titan Sign Wizard to Add Documents

You can add Templates (that were created using the Word add-in) ...
titan sign wizard template
… or Files (from Salesforce) …
Use files from salesforce
… or you can upload files from your device.
upload files from PC

06 Add a Source from the Template List

In the Template list, you find templates that are available for an object, in this case, the contact object and salesforce current user (collaborator). You can select one or multiple checkboxes in the Template list.
1. Select one or more templates.
2. Click the Add button.
add button
3. Notice that the two different Titan document projects have been added to the Titan Sign Wizard. You can drag files around to re-arrange them as you need.
rearrange files
When we run the Sign process, these two documents will be generated simultaneously and merged into the same document!
We deleted one of the documents for the rest of this lesson before we clicked the Next button.
Documents have been merged

07 Configure Signers

The signers that were configured on the Titan Sign project are shown here.
1. Click the + icon to add any additional signers.
  • You can select signers from Salesforce using the drop-down list; or
  • add external recipients by typing a static first name, last name, and email.
2. Click the Add button.
3. Use the drop-down list to change the signer type:
  • Signer
  • Reviewer
  • CC
4. Click the Next button.
configuring signers

08 Configure the Document

Titan renders a preview, and the document opens in the next window.
The signers are listed in the drop-down list.
Configure the document by assigning fields to signers
1. Select a signer from the drop-down list and drag an element onto the previewed document. The selected signer will have to complete the fields assigned to them.
Add elements to the documents
2. Drag-and-drop Interactive fields into your documents for your users to fill in.
add interactive elements to your documents
3. Select one or multiple input fields from the Interactive Element options before clicking the Add button.
adding an interactive element
4. Add a Text field.
  • You can change the size and position of the elements.
5. Click the Add button.
6. Click the element’s Gear icon to change the Type or add validation or conditions.
7. Click the Next button.
element settings menu

09 Document Settings

1. Choose your document settings by turning on the toggle switches.
  • Custom message
  • 2-FActor Authentication for added security
  • Parallel signing flow so that users can sign at the same time
  • Co-browsing for support during the signing process
  • Notification settings
We have enabled the 2-Factor Authentication option before clicking the Next button.
configure document access settings

10 Review and Send

1. Review and edit the document settings. The document is related to a specific object and record.
relate to record
2. Check your Email Settings which you can configure using all the drop-down options.
  • You can select an Organizational Email Template.
  • You can add static or select dynamic fields for the To, CC, and/or BCC email addresses.
  • You can customize the subject.
  • You can customize the body of the email.
  • You must add the document URL.
Note: You can do it here if you haven’t configured the emails on the Dashboard > Settings > Document Generation > Titan Sign > Sign Wizard.
3. Click the Send button.
email settings
You will receive a notification to inform you that your document has been sent.
success message

11 Choose files from Salesforce or Upload files

One thing to note about the Source tab in Titan Sign, we can choose either Titan templates or existing files, but you cannot mix or match. It’s either all templates or all files.

12 Select a Source

1. Click on the Source tab in the Titan Sign wizard. You can either choose files from Salesforce or upload files.
2. Click on the From Salesforce tab and use the search field to find a file.
files from salesforce
3. Alternatively, drag-and-drop files into the Titan Sign wizard by selecting the Upload Files tab.
upload files from pc
4. Notice you now have a file from Salesforce and a file uploaded from your local computer (this document does not have to be created in sign) in the Titan Sign wizard.
you can upload more than one file
You can drag files around to re-arrange them as you need.
5. Click the Next button.

13 Configure Signers

We need to configure signers, as the document we uploaded wasn’t created with Titan Sign or the Titan Word add-in.
1. Click the + icon to add signers from Salesforce or external recipients. Use the drop-down to choose a contact to be the signer. 
2. Click the Next button.
add signers

14 Configure the Document

We have to add elements for the signer/s to fill in.
1. Drag any of the elements to the document.
2. Click the Next button.
configure elements for signers

15 Document Settings

1. Choose your document settings by turning on the toggle switches. We have enabled the 2-FActor Authentication option before clicking the Next button.
configure document settings

16 Review and Send

1. Review and edit settings:
  • The document is related to a specific object and record.
relate to record
2. Check your Email Settings which you can configure using all the drop-down options.

  • You can select an Organizational Email Template.
  • You can add static or select dynamic fields for the To, CC, and/or BCC email addresses.
  • You can customize the subject.
  • You can customize the body of the email.
  • You must add the document URL.
Note: You can do it here if you haven’t configured the emails on the Dashboard > Settings > Document Generation > Titan Sign > Sign Wizard.
3. Click the Send button.
Email Settings

You will receive a notification to inform you that your document has been sent.
Success message

17 Got Feedback?

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