This lesson will cover the following topics:

02 | Setup
07 | Preview

01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers how to download a file from Salesforce.

02 Setup

  • Lookup - Configured to pull the Contact Object in Salesforce.
  • File Uploader - Configured to push the uploaded file to the Salesforce contact.
  • Button - Configured to push the files to Salesforce when clicked.
  • Table View Table - Configured to display the contact’s associated files

03 Table Configuration

1. Insert a Table View element into your project. The Salesforce Configuration window opens.

2. In the Select Source step, choose Files as the Salesforce source. Click Next.

select source step of table configuration

3. In the Conditions step, configure that the First Publish Location ID equals the Lookup Value.

conditions step of table configuration

4. In the Mapping step, add 5 items, configure them as follows, and click Apply.

  • Column 1 - Title 
  • Action 1 - Button - On Click Action - Download
  • Action 2 - Icon - On Click Action - Bin Icon
  • Column 4 - ContentDocument ID - ContentDocument ID
  • Column 5 - Hash Value

mapping step of table configuration

The table should display as follows:

table configuration

04 Hiding the Hash Value Column

1. Click the Table gear icon. The Table settings menu opens.

2. Select the Columns tab and click the Hash Value gear icon.

Table settings menu

3. Disable the Show Column checkbox. This means that the information will still be stored but not shown to the end user.

Disabling the show column checkbox

05 Setting Up Variables

To populate the hash value, we will need to create a variable. 

1. Navigate to the Project Settings and select the Tools tab.

2. Click the Custom Variables gear icon.

Tools tab under the project settings

3. Create a new static variable labeled - hash. Click Apply. This variable will be used to store the hash value from Salesforce.

Creating static files variable

06 Download Action

1. Navigate back to the Mapping step of your table configuration.

2. Select On Click Action.

Mapping step of configuring a table

3. Click the Start + icon, choose Variables as the node, and click Next.

On click action screen with variables interacitviy node selected

4. Use the dropdowns to configure the following then click Next.

  • Action - Set Value
  • Hash - Value from - Table/Hash Value

Variable interactivity configuration screen

5. Enter a Tag and click Insert.

6. Click the Variable Interactivity + icon, choose Export and Download as the node, and click Next.

on click action with export and download node selected

7. Use the dropdowns to configure the following and click Next.

  • Download File
  • hash

export and download config

8. Enter a Tag and click Insert. The On Click Action nodes should display as follows.

Configured on click action nodes

07 Preview

Using the lookup, you can find a contact in Salesforce. Any files associated with that contact will be displayed in the table. To download the files, simply click the download button.

download files from table

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