Logic - Conditions (6 min)
Completion requirements
01 Getting Started
This tutorial will cover working with conditions for Titan Docs and Titan Sign. Conditions are used to set criteria (or a list of criteria) that a user must meet to trigger a resulting action.
You can add conditions to almost all parts of the document. This includes text, input elements, or merge elements from Salesforce.
You can add conditions to almost all parts of the document. This includes text, input elements, or merge elements from Salesforce.
02 Adding a Condition
1. Right-click on the text you want to add a condition to OR Click the Insert/Edit condition button located in the top menu ribbon.
2. Click on the Form Titan option and select the Insert/Edit condition option.
The Insert Conditions window opens.
3. Use the Select Object/Field to choose the data in Salesforce you want to map data. You can map conditions for each object you pull from Salesforce.
4. Use the Condition drop-down to choose the logical operator. For example, Equals.
You can add as many conditions as you need to the page. You can also add post conditions using the AND-OR drop-down.
2. Click on the Form Titan option and select the Insert/Edit condition option.
The Insert Conditions window opens.
3. Use the Select Object/Field to choose the data in Salesforce you want to map data. You can map conditions for each object you pull from Salesforce.
4. Use the Condition drop-down to choose the logical operator. For example, Equals.
- Contains and not Contains are used for text and numbers.
- Includes and Excludes are mostly used for dropdowns and multi-picklists in Salesforce.
- Includes OR, Excludes OR, IN, and Not IN are used for IDs or a string of text.
- Greater than and Less than are used for numbers. Is empty or Is not empty is used for numbers or text.
You can add as many conditions as you need to the page. You can also add post conditions using the AND-OR drop-down.
- Only Latin letters and numbers are supported when typing in a value.
- When working with picklists, the Titan doc will see the label name and not the API name.
03 Conditions and Tables
1. Click the Insert/Edit Table icon located in the top ribbon.
The Insert Table window opens.
You can create cell, multicell, and column conditions. These options are located in the Condition drop-down.
There is an option to add a row condition. The row will either display or hide depending on whether the condition is met.
The Insert Table window opens.
You can create cell, multicell, and column conditions. These options are located in the Condition drop-down.
There is an option to add a row condition. The row will either display or hide depending on whether the condition is met.