This lesson will cover the following topics:

03 | Get
04 | Push

01 Getting Started

This tutorial covers the orientation of Forms 2.0., including:

  • Pulling data from and pushing data to Salesforce.
  • How to upload a file to Salesforce.
  • How to show and hide elements using conditional logic.

02 Salesforce Data

You can configure Push record and Get record integrations from Salesforce to pull data from and send data to your Salesforce instance.

1. Select the Project Settings gear icon and click the Salesforce tab.

Salesforce tab in the project settings menu

In the Salesforce Integration screen, you can create a variety of Salesforce actions to run.

Salesforce Integration window

03 Get

You can create a Get Record action to run when the configured trigger is met. This will work to populate your form with the applicable data straight from your Salesforce instance. For example, when the first and last name fields are completed, a get will trigger to retrieve the remainder of the contact’s information. Triggers and actions are covered in the Salesforce Integration chapter of this course.

Map Salesforce fields object settings tab

Configuring conditions will validate data according to whether it meets the criteria. This is useful to ensure that actions are only run on the required data. For example, the last name entered into the text field must match the last name field in Salesforce.

Map salesforce fields conditions tab

The mapping tab is used to map the fields in your project to fields in Salesforce. This ensures that the fields are populated with the correct corresponding data.

Map Salesforce fields mapping tab

04 Push

A Salesforce push can be configured to run from any user action. A push is useful to send data back to Salesforce. This ensures that if a user updates their details or uploads a file, the latest data will be captured in Salesforce. For example, if a contact updates their number on the form the new number should be saved in Salesforce.

Map Salesforce fields object settings tab

Note: If you choose the update, find or delete actions, the condition tab will be displayed automatically so you can create criteria to validate the data. These lessons are covered in the Salesforce Integration chapter of this course.

The mapping tab is used to map the fields in your project to fields in Salesforce. This ensures that any updates are made to fields in the form with the correct corresponding data.

Map Salesforce fields window showing the mapping tab

05 Invoking Actions

Salesforce actions can be invoked from multiple places in the project. In this example, we review invoking an action from the Button.

 Select the button that will trigger the action when the user clicks it and select the interactivity icon.

button menu with the interactivity icon highlighted

After clicking the Start + icon, choose Salesforce Action as your node.

Salesforce Action node

In the next step, using the dropdown you can choose from your configured Salesforce actions.

Note: It’s strongly recommended to add a description when creating Salesforce actions. This allows for easy identification when choosing which action you want to invoke.

Choosing a Salesforce Actions from the dropdown

When configuring On Click Actions, you can create a flow of nodes to run. For example, you want your form to reset after the Salesforce Push action has run.

On click action window showing the add node screen overlayed

Using the variety of options available, you can choose how the form is affected.

Form interactivity configuration

06 Show or Hide Fields

Click on the element gear icon to open the element settings menu and select the Conditions tab. Select the Configure Conditions button to start configuring your condition.

Conditions tab in the date settings menu

The first step is to configure your condition - for example, if the date field does not equal a deadline date the user will not be able to see the submit button. Once your condition node is configured you can add several nodes to invoke an action - for example, an affect element node to hide the submit button.

Set conditions window showing configuration to hide a button if a condition is met

07 Got Feedback?

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